Thursday, 27 September 2012


Have you ever paused to think what decision making really is? Is it a setting where a person or a group of people selects between pretty clearly defined alternatives? Is it a setting where information is gathered for the decision maker and then she browses the data relating to the existing alternatives and makes her informed decision. Well, it can be all this but it can be also something else. Quite often in lived life (people in action in different organizations) it is much, much more.

What then is the decision making in real life? This blog offers some insights. We will not go deep into decision making details here, the aim is propose that the whole setting around the decision making process is something which deserves our attention. What is the big picture when we are talking about decision making?

Setting 1 - How we decide what we decide

How this all starts, how do we know that there is something what requires our attention and creates a need for a decision making? Do you play an active role creating decision making setting or do most of the impulses come from the outside? We may even ask that are you really a decision maker at all if almost all the impulses come from the outside. In this case we could more appropriately call a person a reactor rather that a decision maker? This title might be justified, because her role would be to try to manage with issues which are thrown at her. Not an enviable position, however apparently a position where most executives find themselves time to time.

However, the reactor role should not be a permanent resting place for an executive. The role of an executive must be much more active. The role and the duty of an executive is always actively create the very setting where she operates. Hence before any decision is made, we have to have some idea what we are thinking about and why some issues are raised up. Why we are thinking what we are thinking, why we are deciding what we are deciding? Is it wise to think what we are thinking? In sum, an executive is not just thinking and deciding, she also sees herself from the outside and is able to evaluate what she is thinking and deciding. Let it be granted that no one can step "outside", we all use theories, frameworks, our experiences all the time. However, a wise executive is profoundly aware of all this.

Setting 2 - How create a possibility to make a decision

Change management is a hot topic. Probably partly because the basic task for an executive is to a see that her organization changes and develops constantly and thus maintain its ability to succeed in the marketplace.  At the same time there are elements in the organizational life which seem to be very permanent. They are issues, challenges, problems, behaviors, thought patterns which continue from one period to another.

Hence part of decision making process is to notice that there are issues which are rather permanent and recurring, however perhaps not eternal. These issues can not be solved in one decision making setting, hence the whole idea what is decision making must change. It seems that sometimes decision making may take time, sometimes years. Sometimes the key is to wait for  a right moment when something can be done, sometimes to point is gather momentum and create necessary preparedness for a change.

So this blog has taken up two issues about decision making. First it is vital to evaluate what are the issues what we are thinking in the first place. Therefore before deciding, think carefully how the whole setting has been crafted, estimate whether the issues on the table are the most crucial ones or should you raise other topics for closer examination. Second, sometimes decision making is more a marathon than a meeting. See the big picture and be prepared to wait when necessary and be prepared to build momentum for new when that is possible and necessary.

Then just select the right road. Safe journey.

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