When you
ask that why people choose silence in organizations one answer which you get
quite often is: fear. This is the answer
in which has emerged in numerous personal discussions in different contexts. I
also made a Linkedin poll where I offered two options that why people choose
silence. The first option was fear and the other was that speaking does not
seem to provide results. The poll got 9
answers which came from all over the world, therefore the result is not based
on anything larger, but nevertheless the result was indicative - a fear was a clear
winner with 8 votes (feels somewhat awkward to write that fear was a winner,
but in this polling context it was).
fear is one of those words which you seem to know with certainty, but when you
try to define it you may notice that the concept of fear is very, very elusive.
Defining fear is not at all simple task. Therefore let us look first how
Wikipedia defines fear and after that we will examine different ways of
approaching fear in organizational context:
starts its fear entry as follows:
Fear is an emotion induced by a perceived threat which causes entities to quickly pull away from it and usually hide. It is a basic survival
mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger. In short, fear is the ability to
recognize danger leading to an urge to confront it or flee from it (also known
as the fight-or-flight
response) but in extreme
cases of fear (horror and
terror) a freeze or
paralysis response is possible.
In organizational
context fear which leads to silence is a phenomenon of its own. In this text I
will approach that specific phenomenon from two angles:
which relates to you
which relates to others
Clearly this discussion
is tentative and thought provoking by its nature. The point here is to suggest
that because a silence is a very important organizational factor which may play
a crucial role in determining whether the organization succeeds or not, we must
pause to examine that what actually causes silence. One explanation is
certainly fear, perhaps based on real things or perhaps mainly imagined,
however fear must be one factor which relates to silence in organizations.
Therefore understanding
the roots of fear, and through that understanding being able to reduce silence
and increasing communication can be seen a most important managerial task for
every executive. But what actually is fear in organizational context, how it
can be approached and discussed? The
purpose here is to find new openings which might give new ideas for executives and
for each of us how to tackle these issues in the working environment.
which relates to you (or to me, or to any individual personally)
1a. Fear of
making fool of yourself
Certainly there might
be situations where you choose silence because you are afraid that you would
make fool of your selves. Perhaps you may feel that you do not know enough of
the topic under discussion. Or perhaps you
may feel (know, anticipate) that your position in your organization is such
that in those discursive practices which prevail in your organization your
effort to participate would result in difficult and embarrassing consequences.
1b. Fear of getting more tasks
Age old truth in
army is that motion reveals. Unfortunately something similar may be true in
organizational life. Consequently, there seems to be a tendency that a person
who opens her/his mouth about something also gets that task on her/his task
which relate to others
2a. Fear of
ruining positive atmosphere
we all wish to work in a pleasant environment, in a nice atmosphere with
collaborative colleagues. And certainly nice and supporting atmosphere can be a
success factor of its own right, it nurtures creativity, innovation, it
energizes and it provides many other positive things to all involved and to
whole organization.
In this
setting you may fear that taking up certain matters might for some reason drastically
harm the positive general atmosphere. Therefore you may decide to avoid taking
up certain matters.
2b) Fear
that the others do something negative - fear of negative consequences
Evidently a
person may fear that bringing something up might result in negative reactions and
actions by others. In practice there is a huge variety of possible negative
consequences which might take place. In case you anticipate that raising up
certain issues might cause negative actions towards you in the future you
certainly may resort to silence on those occasions.
2c) Fear
that you cause a mess in organization
Also it is
thinkable that person predicts in her/his mind that bringing something up might
cause a mess in her/his organization. We all know that organizations are pretty
delicate creatures on what comes to trust and sharing between people. Hence,
some issues may cause that the focus of organizational activity become lost and
that may harm the success of the organization.
In sum